Pins and Snaps

In this first unit of our STEAM Class, Light, Sound, and Time, we focused on the concept of light and how it interacts with space around it. For this Action Project, I had to build a pinhole camera and take a photo with it using light-sensitive paper. Our class went to Truman College during the process of this Action Project to develop our photos, and to learn more about how a darkroom actually functions from one of the professors there. Below is a slideshow documenting the process of building my pinhole camera and taking a photo with it.

In conclusion, I thought that this Action Project was an interesting challenge, and that making photos by hand instead of using a digital camera is actually a lot more complicated than I originally thought it was. I think that maybe if I were to do this project over again, I think I would make my camera a more traditional design than what I had, although my more unique design did produce some pretty interesting photos.


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