
Showing posts from May, 2020

Solar Savings

In the second unit of our STEAM class, Urban Planning, we learned a lot about how circuits work and the history of electricity. For this Action Project, we were asked to build a simple electrical circuit, and build a circuit cover around it representing an eco-friendly design. We also had to research different energy-efficient devices, and calculate how much energy they would help the homeowner save. Below is a slideshow detailing the process of my project. In conclusion, I thought that this Action Project was actually pretty fun and unique. I quite liked the idea of building our own circuit system and circuit cover for it. It was pretty difficult, however, finding all the information I needed for my eco-friendly devices, and it kind of resulted in a timecrunch for me.

A Deal with Durbin

For this unit of our humanities class, Policy, we learned a lot about the process a bill has to go through before it becomes a complete law, as well as more about the history of the US's legal system. We ended up visiting the City Council on a Field Experience, through a Zoom call, and got to listen in on the proceedings there once more. For this Action Project, we were asked to select a bill or ordinance currently circulating through either our local government or the national government, and write a letter to our corresponding local representative to either vote for or against that bill. Below is the content of the letter that I plan on sending to Senator Durbin. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WH 1535 N Dayton St, Chicago, IL 60642 7th May, 2020 Richard Durbin 524 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 (202) 224-2854 Dear Senator Durbin, Our world is slowly...